Tag Archives: Downton abbey

Agile Humor – Evidence That Downton Abbey is an Agile Shop

The Dowager Countess regards the telephone as an instrument of torture, too.

Even if all hell’s breaking loose, the dinner release deploys promptly at eight.

The gown Lady Sybil puts on before coming down to breakfast is only the first iteration.

The Downstairs department scrums for 15 minutes every evening over Mrs. Patmore’s mutton stew.

The Upstairs and Downstairs departments collaborate seamlessly when crises arise. Like, say, if a foreign diplomat croaked in Lady Mary’s bed or something.

Velocity is important. When Lady Cora rings that bell, O’Brien has to haul ass through eight rooms and up three staircases to answer it.

Mary and Matthew continue to overcome impediments to achieve their goal – marrying and inbreeding to carry on the Crawley line.