Tag Archives: Developer jokes

Agile Humor – Still More Definitions

Testing Phase – Period that elapses from a cheery “Sure we can make that change” to a sign on the back of your chair that says “ADD IT TO PHASE 2”.

Aggressive Deliverable – You’ll get there with some hard work, a little luck, and seven or eight cases of Five-Hour Energy Drink under your desk.

Stretch Goal – It’s definitely achievable. So’s the Triple Crown. You’ll actually see that portion of your bonus about as often.

Just a Small Tweak – It’s not like you have to boil the ocean or anything – just Boston Harbor and Puget Sound.

In Scope – It’s something new we want in the software. And you’re writing software. So it’s all the in the scope of – you know, software. Plus, it’s nothing major, really just a small tweak.

New Agile Jobs

Code-Alones – Programmers who lack the people skills to be developers.

None-Of-Your-Business Analysts – Requirements gatherers for skunkworks projects.

Projectile Managers – Representatives of death march projects who must appear before angry stakeholders in the Marketing Conference Room.

Time Bandits – Scheduler/Physicists who bend the time-space continuum at the end of a sprint.

Pester Control – Analysts who intercept and gently steer away stakeholders who try to bother the development team with scope creep requests.

Agile Humor – More Words to Live By

Buristic Review – An exercise to gain heuristic insight that will be rejected by a bureaucrat because the research didn’t come from his team.

Merital Raise – A merit-based pay increase for spending more time in the office cranking out code with your colleagues than at home with your spouse.

Rocked-It Shock – The horrifying realization after you totally rock a capabilities presentation that you now actually have to do all those things you just talked about.

Multi-BuryIt Testing – Variations that tested so poorly that you make the developer destroy all the code for it, then pull the backups and erase them too.

Prefictive Model – Advanced analytics that predict outcomes from innovative scenarios that haven’t a chance in hell of being approved.